

Obviously, Japanese people DON’T love vending machines.
For I have read that there are ONLY
about 5.5 million vending machines all over the country.

Wow! Over the years, these machines have
evolved from being just convenient to extremely bizarre
only proving their love for innovation.
ASide from unlimited beverges, these machines also offer
fresh eggs, bags of rice, and even fresh bouquets of flowers.
Ice cream, newspapers, sweets and bread, fruit, vegetables, etc.
And for those who can’t decide what to buy, there are also machines to suggest
drinks appropriate for you and the weather in TOKYO stations.
And now there’s also virtual store manager service designed to communicate
with buyers. It allows you to receive messages like “good job on your work today”
just by walking in front of the vending machine.Not just convenient huh?
Truly interesting!


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